Friday, February 15, 2008

Double Whammy!

Wow! What a day! Ok, now to be honest, I really don’t know if I’ve ever been featured in a Treasury before. I just don’t have the time to search through them all (and I keep forgetting too). But what a surprise I got today. Not only do I get featured in a Treasury (Thank you PeachCult!) with my Gold Tipped Gray Leaves Chipboard Letters but the Treasury makes it to the front page on Etsy!! I was wondering why my email started going nuts, I’m not used to getting those emails notifying you of a new sale.
And my messenger popping up from YMBD letting me know I was on the front screen. (Thank you! I would have never known otherwise)

What an amazing feeling! Ok, I’ve definitely been bite by the Etsy bug again. What a great way to get yourself motivated and keep moving forward.